
Breastfeeding Week//

It's been breastfeeding week since last Thursday. As a nursing mom, I thought I would share my experiences so far. 

I will start by saying that its harder than I thought. Its not easy to be available for your little one every couple hours, to sit down, take your breast out and let them feed until whenever they want, it can be 10 minutes to 2 hours you never know. But it is the most amazing thing, to be able to nurse your baby and feel that incredible bond while they are looking up at you and and knowing that you are giving them the best that you can give them, and its coming from your own body. 

Sophia is 3 1/2 months, and the first month it was the hardest. In the hospital she would cry hysterically and her latch wasn't great, I felt horrible, I thought to myself, my baby is so hungry and I'm not producing enough milk to fill her up, whats wrong? The nurses knew I wanted to exclusively breastfeed. I spent 4 days in the hospital, I remember one of the sweetest nurses tell me, if you want, we can give her an ounce of formula. I was freaking out, Sophia was crying and not latching on, so painfully, I agreed. I started pumping after, and event though  I wasn't pumping a lot, I didn't give her anymore formula in the hospital. 

When we got home, my life consisted of pumping, pumping and more pumping. The most I would get was 3 ounces at one sitting. She would cry wanting more and it would break my heart, so I started supplementing with organic Earths Best formula, once or twice a day while still pumping and putting her on my breasts. I felt horrible, all I wanted to do was exclusively breastfeed my baby and it seemed impossible. 

I did this for a month and a half. One day a friend asked me on Facebook how breastfeeding was going, my breastfeeding angel! She introduced me to a breastfeeding support group on Facebook, thanks to them I was able to wean her off formula for good, and exclusively breastfeed!! I don't pump anymore, she latches on like a pro, my supply has increased and she's gaining weight perfectly. My goal was 6 months, after the support that I have received from the group, my goal is now 1 year! I love breastfeeding my baby, it's a great feeling and I look forward to it now. It does get easier with time and my advice to every woman who wants to breastfeed is to join a support group with women who are breastfeeding and have breastfeeding experience to help you and encourage you. Don't give up, breast is best! 

Here are some beautiful photos I found! 

            via: Sweetness and light photography
                                               via: Pinkle toes photography
                                                             via:Photos by Lei

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