
Big City, Little Space// Sophia's Nursery Nook

As you know,we live in a tiny apartment and we needed to make room for baby. We were looking to move but decided to stay in this apartment to save money and hopefully buy a house sometime in the next year or so. We have lived in this apartment for 3 years and is our home, Sophia's first home! Once we had decided to stay put, we reorganized and redecorated our tiny apartment. Painted our living room white from orange to make it seem more spacious. We threw out our TV stand, took out my dresser from the bedroom and put it in the living room to replace the TV stand. We now had room for a nursery nook in our bedroom!!  My grandmother got us a mini crib that fit perfectly in our space, then we got a dresser and a standing shelf to organize her little things. 

It's easy too make room when you need to, rearranging furniture, painting and adding mirrors will make a room look bigger. It's worked for us and I'm pretty proud of her first little nursery nook, it's still a work in progress, looking to add the alphabet somewhere. I've sang the alphabet song to Sophia since the day she was born, just because I didn't know many nursery rhymes and she loves it! 

Some pics of her little space! 

I made the garland, and cut out the heart shaped felt, hung one of my favorite dresses, (the first dress her daddy picked out for her) and added lots of boxes where I could organize diapers, blankets, towels, etc. I didn't want the traditional pink girls room, although I ended up getting lots of pink stuff, it doesn't feel very traditional to me and I love it!

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