So I started planning Sophia's First Birthday Party, 8 months in advance, that should leave me enough time to throw her a fabulous party! While looking for inspiration I must have seen 100 tassel garlands, and I'm in love with every single one of them. They can be very pricey tho, so I looked some more and found different blogs with DIY tassel garlands! And what do you know, I had some extra tissue paper, scissors, ribbon and tape, so decided to make my own!
You will need:
Tissue paper// One sheet equals one tassel.
Ribbon// To hang the tassels.
Tape// To Tape down the tassels on the ribbon.
Scissors// To cut the tissue paper.
Step One: Fold the tissue paper in half, then sideways. Start cutting strings leaving about an inch from the top.
Step Two: Open up the tissue paper and start rolling it up.
Step Three: Once you have rolled the tissue paper fold it in half to make the tassel.
Step Four: Start putting the tassels on the ribbon and tape them around to hold in place.
Four simple steps to make a beautiful garland that you can hang anywhere. I hung it on Sophia's crib, I think it looks awesome!
Not bad for my first one, next one will be sleeker, these tissue papers I've had for like ever in my closet, but they sure came in handy!